Business Services and Process

As business owners and entrepreneurs we have unique talents and abilities. Risk taking is done as a normal course of action and fuels our success. We also juggle multiple roles and tasks on a daily basis.  We know what we are good at and hopefully hire others to handle the things that are not our unique abilities. We know what we know, but not what we don’t know.

Often entrepreneurs come to us in various stages of their business. By listening first and discussing afterward, we are able to help clients identify intermediate and long term goals. Ultimately the business is a financial asset that can be used to finance a lifestyle, a retirement, and a legacy. 

By collaborating with other advisors such as CPA’s and attorneys, we help guide clients to achieving their goals. We help business owners plan for the future and take care of key issues along the way, such as protecting the value of the business for heirs in the event they pass away unexpectedly or become incapacitated. Whether business owners plan to bring family members into the business or sale the business to help fund their retirement, we help determine the best strategies and most importantly ensure agreed upon strategies are implemented and finally get done.

By taking a 30,000 foot view and analyzing on a cross disciplinary basis, years of uncoordinated advice brings issues to light.  Our process involves a thorough discovery process whereby goals are discovered and clearly defined. By analyzing work already done and finding new, often not previously known, strategies to meet goals, the plan begins to take shape. We bring strategies and fully educate entrepreneurs on such. At our “try on” meeting, we collaboratively determine what fits best. We then go to work with prioritizing and implementing. 

It’s no one’s job but ours to take that 30,000 foot cross disciplinary view, identify issues, collaborate with other advisors and implement smart strategies for our clients.





Financial plan recommendations can be implemented with the advisor of your choosing. Implementation of specific products or services may result in commissions or fees outside of the financial planning fee.